How it Works
A biopsychosocial model predicts outcomes and best care practices following operative and non-operative procedures for various neuromusculoskeletal diagnoses.
COMT is a proven software system that takes into account the entire person in treating spine, hand/wrist, knee, shoulder, elbow, and foot/ankle injuries. COMT recognizes that the provider is not just treating a shoulder, but a shoulder with a brain.
The COMT system has four tenets:

The psychological and functional data are provided by the patient through a touch screen tablet. This data will be used to help guide the patient’s treatment plan.

The COMT software translates the patient data into calculated measurements shown on a comprehensive report. The system allows the provider and patient to work together to determine the appropriate course of treatment.

COMT captures and displays the progression to stable and stationary function over time. As treatment progresses and additional data collected, it is trended into an easy to view graph. This information facilitates a “shared discussion” between patient and provider. This trending information is used to set treatment goals with the patient, and to provide a visual progress report toward those goals.

Expectation Management / MMI
As an active participant in the treatment plan and progress, the patient takes ownership of decision-making regarding progress and goals. The result is more patient centered care, faster return to work and higher patient satisfaction.
COMT system facilitates appropriate utilization of health care services and Maximum Medical Improvement.
To learn more about how COMT works, you can access our case studies.
The benefits of COMT have been proven in both physician practices and a hospital system pilot.