Who We Serve
COMT was created to facilitate the delivery of the right care to the right patient at the right time. With the comprehensive assessment of patients’ functional and psychological condition, providers can better diagnose and treat the patient. Patients play an active role in their treatment plan and recovery. With the ongoing tracking of progress, patients can reach MMI faster.
As a result, COMT benefits all participants in the healthcare system:

Following an injury, patients not only have a variety of physical symptoms, they also have a varying degrees of ability to cope. Without recognizing and addressing both components, their recovery can by slow, frustrating and incomplete.
COMT allows patients to see where they started as a baseline, and what improvements, if any, have been made over a period of time. This data visualization gives them a better understanding of how their treatment is working for them, and whether or not their current method of treatment is effective toward recovery.
COMT reports allow patients to have more productive conversations with providers and to learn how the information they provide to their physicians is being heard and applied. Patient have greater ownership of and accountability for their treatment plan as active participants in the measurement of their progress.
COMT empowers patients throughout their recovery, and as a result, patients using COMT report high physician satisfaction.

COMT provides data for evidence-based care which enhances value and quality. Objective measurement of function, through the integration of psychosocial and musculoskeletal tools, assists in effective management of a patient’s recovery.
By taking into account the components of depression, anxiety and somatization, a physician can document and better understand a patient’s issues. The psychological data integrated the with neuromusculoskeletal functional measures allows the clinician to see the “whole picture” which assists in optimizing the patient’s outcome and quality of life.
Measuring psychosocial perception and quantifying patient function gives providers a more comprehensive data set prior to prescribing opioids and other medications, as well as assurance of efficacy. Armed with biopsychosocial data, providers can select the appropriate patients for elective procedures and surgical intervention. COMT is a guide for proper utilization of psychological care.
As a treatment facilitation tool, COMT is a practice differentiator. And, outcomes measurement tests and resulting data can be submitted as a charge under specific codes, thus yielding an additional source of revenue for your practice.

As an employer, you want to ensure that the injured worker receives the most appropriate care to enable them to have the fullest possible recovery and return to work as quickly as is appropriate. Too often, workers compensation cases drag on, the recovery process is uneven and your employee is both frustrated and unproductive.
COMT brings the patient and provider together and gives them both ownership of and responsibility for the treatment plan and the progress made. Tracking of both musculoskeletal and psychological factors provide greater transparency and documentation of the treatment plan. If the patient is not showing improvement through the measurement of outcomes, all parties involved will know it is time to look at another method of treatment or to consider that this patient may be at maximum medical improvement.
COMT is an asset to employers in the management of workers comp claims because it:
- Provides transparency and reporting capabilities to the self-funded employer.
- Assists in marginalizing claims.
- Improves coordination with providers, group health plans and employees.

Group Health
Measuring outcomes with COMT assists in managing the health care costs of patients who have suffered musculoskeletal injuries by controlling costs in imaging/diagnostics, therapeutic intervention and surgeries. Being able to visually analyze patient recovery both qualitatively and quantitatively allows appropriate authorization or denial of intervention.
COMT provides group health constituents with:
- Enhanced accountability in care management.
- Visual data to assist in the analysis of treatment and care progression.
- Data for best practices analysis, pay for performance and value-based care.
- Documentation for appropriate utilization of services.
The COMT tool provides a more efficient method of treating musculoskeletal injuries – reduces time from date of injury to highest level of functional improvement.